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Letter and parcel services for Private

We offer a wide range of letter and parcel services for Private. You can also get tips and information about prices, stamps, packaging and much more here.

The help we can provide to private individuals

Buy stamps

Personalize your greeting and put a stamp on it.

You can see and buy our stamps in the Online Store.

Quick letters, letters, registered mail and postcards

You can choose exactly the type of letter that best suits your needs.

If your letter should arrive the day after, within 5 business days, inland, abroad, with a receipt for receipt or send a postcard.

Send parcels

You can choose several ways to send parcels - whether your recipient should pick up the parcel or receive it at home.

Price lists

Find price lists for Letters, Quick Letters, Postal Packages and other prices.

Customer service

Situations sometimes arise when you as a customer do not feel satisfied. This is how we can help you in such situations.

PostNord App


Google Play

The app is available for iPhone and

App Store

The app is available for iPhone and

Other services

Find postal code and address

Here you will find the postal code or the address that you search.

Moving home

It's important you make sure you continue to receive your mail when you move home.

Read more


Collecting stamps is a widespread pastime with a long history. More information about the history of stamps and the development of them over the years is available here.

Stamp collecting