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Advice for how best to pack in order to protect your goods

Tips and advice about how to pack the goods you want to send by parcel in the best and safest way possible are available here.

To ensure that the items you send arrive without having been damaged, it is important that you pack your consignment properly. All parcels are processed using machines, transported by vehicle and loaded together with other goods of various sizes, shapes and weights. We therefore recommend that you pack parcels really well, so that they can withstand shocks, vibrations and pressure.

Protect your goods in the best possible way

As the sender, you are responsible for packing your consignments correctly. Here we provide our top tips regarding how to pack your parcels safely:

  • Pack the items in something soft, to dampen shocks. Put them in hard cardboard, to protect them from being squeezed. Take into account the item’s fragility, weight and shape.
  • If you send several items in the same box, it is important that each of them is properly packed in separate packaging, so that they do not damage each other. They may need to be separated by partitions.
  • Fill your parcel with cushioning material, so that it does not become compressed if it ends up under heavier goods.
  • Attach small and heavy objects to larger sheets, so that they can be fixed in the box and do not damage the box from the inside.
  • Check that the packaging is not damaged when the goods are handed in to us, as the contents can damage other goods, staff or machinery. 

The packaging guide

We have made a guide with goods advice on how to package different types of goods.

Download our guide to good packaging (pdf)

Pack wisely and save money 

If the parcel is packaged right, you avoid paying surchages for parcels that otherwise require more manual handling. Er pakken emballeret rigtigt, undgår du at betale tillæg for pakker, der ellers kræver mere manuel håndtering. If you want the parcel to be sorted by machine without surcharges, check that:

  • The parcel has 5-6 even, continous surfaces
  • It has a regular shape, so that it is stable
  • It is fully covered by good packaging/wrapping

See our video (in Danish) or download our guide and get the entire check list on how to pack wisely and save money.

You can also see what kind of parcels have a shape that cannot be sortet by machine.

Download the guide here (pdf)

In Danish


Do you need further advice or guidance?

You are always welcome to contact Customer Service.