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Send Preparatory activities

Contents of letters

You may want to include gifts, gimmicks or customer cards in your mail items. However, there are some guidelines that you have to adhere to regarding consignments.

Here you can see to what you should pay particular attention:

  • The contents must be evenly distributed and fill the envelope completely
  • Standard letters must not contain hard objects, such as clips. The shipment must be able to withstand bending by approx. 180 degrees (basically corresponds to folding the letter)
  • There are several options for big letters. In this regard, it is just important that you attach any loose objects to the letter itself

It is no problem to send letters containing plastic cards, such as membership cards or credit cards. Just make sure to place the card so that the envelope is not damaged when the letter is sorted by machine.

Do you need further advice or guidance?

You are always welcome to contact Customer Service.