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Product and price changes in 2025

A number of changes are set to come into effect on January 1, 2025. These changes affect the agreements you have with us regarding parcels and letters.

We want to be the preferred parcel provider in Denmark, which is why we make it easier for you to collaborate with PostNord. One of the ways we do this is by providing a uniform range of parcel products across the Nordic region. We continue to streamline our products, processes and services by reducing the differences between Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway. These efforts will continue in the years ahead, and we will implement the first changes from January 1, 2025. You can read about the changes below.


Changes to the MyPack Collect product

From January 1, 2025, we will divide the current MyPack Collect into two products, which we call "PostNord Parcel Locker" and "PostNord Service Point".

PostNord Parcel Locker is our new product name for parcels sent to parcel lockers in the Nordic region. At the same time, we are changing the weight limit and maximum dimensions of parcels sent to parcel lockers in the Nordic region. The maximum parcel weight is 10 kg (except for Finland where the maximum weight is 20 kg), and the maximum parcel dimensions are 42 x 49 x 60 cm.

PostNord Service Point is our new product name for parcels sent to PostNord Parcel Shops in the Nordic region and to parcel lockers and service points in Europe. The current maximum weights and dimensions will remain unchanged.

If you use our integrations, you don’t have to change the product code or the way in which you address parcels sent to parcel lockers in the Nordic region. We 
separate the parcel products according to the parcel’s service point, which you send to us in the EDI. If you use a TA provider, the TA provider is responsible for setting up the product on their platform. We are notifying TA providers of this change.

Read more in the Parcels fact sheet.

New weight categories

We are introducing two new weight categories for the billing of your parcels. The new categories apply to parcels up to 250 grams and parcels weighing 3 to 5 kg. You can see your prices for the individual weight categories in the price overviews that you receive by e-mail or from your PostNord contact person.

Return parcels from the North Atlantic and Great Britain

We start off 2025 by introducing the option of using our Return Drop Off whenever your customers need to return goods to you from Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and Iceland.

We’re also re-introducing the option of receiving returns from the UK in early 2025, which will enable your British customers to return items to you. We are collaborating with Royal Mail on this solution, and your UK customers will be able to drop off return parcels at any Royal Mail Parcel Shop.

Return parcels from Norway

From 2025, you must use the Nordic Return Solution function in the Customer Portal whenever you need to receive return parcels from Norway. The Customer Portal enables you to easily upload the required customs documentation so that the parcel can be quickly cleared and returned to you.

Create parcel labels directly in the Customer Portal

We are making it easier for you to book your parcel consignments in 2025, as it will be possible to create parcel labels directly in our Customer Portal next year. You pay only for your consignments, which means you won’t be charged additional fees for using the Customer Portal or printing your parcel labels. We will automatically open the Customer Portal for you and your customers as soon as it is ready during 2025.

New rules for +20 kg parcels and tires

During 2025, we will reduce the number of Business Drop-off Points, and we expect to change the delivery procedure for parcels over 20 kg and parcels containing tires. If it is not possible for us flex-deliver either of these consignments to your customer’s address, new guidelines will be implemented for the delivery of such consignments. If you’re one of our customers who use the option of sending heavy parcels and tires, we will contact you when these new guidelines are ready.

Remember to use the special “>20 kg” label when sending parcels weighing over 20 kg. You must also use the “Heavy” service to send parcels to Sweden that weigh more than 20 kg. You can order the label in our online store.

Few parcels? Use Ad Hoc Pickup

If you only deliver a few parcels at a time to our Business Drop-off Points, you can use our Ad Hoc Pickup instead whereby we collect up to three parcels at your address. Order Ad Hoc Pickup when setting up the consignment in your printing system, and we will pick up the parcel the next day at your address between 8 am and 4 pm. You can read more about our different collection solutions here: Collecting parcels and letters.

Sending heavy parcels to Germany (updated 22.11.2024)

Germany has introduced a new postal law that requires labeling for parcels weighing between 10 and 20 kg, as well as those over 20 kg. For parcels to Germany, the physical weight must be included in the EDI, so the parcel label displays an icon of a weight of either 10 kg or 20 kg.

Learn more about heavy parcels and see the icons, by clicking on "How to handle heavy parcels" on the page Practical information for parcel products.

PostNord Tracked: modified minimum quantity

We are increasing the required minimum quantity for using PostNord Tracked from three parcels to ten parcels per submission. If you send less than ten parcels per day or per submission, you must use our “Letter with goods” solution via the PostNord Customer Portal.

Tracked Letter UK: modified minimum format

Tracked Letter DK is designed for small to medium-sized consignments. We want to reflect this in the format’s specifications by trimming the weight and the thickness. Therefore, the minimum format for Tracked Letter DK will be 14 x 9 x 0.5 cm and the minimum weight will be 100 grams.

New prices and changes to parcel services and surcharges

New parcel prices in 2025

The prices of parcels, services and surcharges will change in 2025. See an overview here: Prices and surcharges for businesses.

Oversize surcharge for +50 kg in volumetric weight is being phased out

We no longer invoice an oversize surcharge when the volumetric weight of a parcel exceeds 50 kg. From now on, the surcharge will be included in the price of the parcel when it weighs more than 50 kg. The change is part of our efforts to ensure uniform specifications in the Nordic region.

Changes to Special Handling

We’re raising the limit for when a parcel is subject to a Special Handling surcharge from 115 cm to 120 cm. This change is part of our efforts to ensure uniform specifications in the Nordic region.

New law increases the energy surcharge

The fixed environmental surcharge, which is part of the energy surcharge, is being increased to 4.60%. We are doing this because the Danish Parliament has decided to impose a road toll on trucks weighing 12 metric tons or more from January 1, 2025. Thus, the tax will apply to our trucks as well. Further details about the road toll can be found here: Kilometer-based and CO2-differentiated toll for trucks

Value surcharges are being combined

From now on, you will be invoiced according to the price rate “Value up to DKK 10,000” for all consignments below DKK 10,000. We are doing this by merging the two price categories “Value up to DKK 5,000" and “Value up to DKK 10,000”.

VOEC scheme changes

Under the VOEC scheme (VOEC is an acronym for VAT on E-commerce), single consignments of B2C parcels will be sent under a simplified customs clearance process to Norway. This applies to parcels being sent with PostNord Parcel Locker, PostNord Service Point and MyPack Home. From now on, we will charge a fee of DKK 50 per parcel for customs clearance of the consignment. The value of each individual product must not exceed NOK 3,000, and there are a number of tariff codes that cannot be sent under the VOEC scheme.

Letters and Magazines

Requirements for notification and sorting center split-up are being relaxed

From now on, you will only have to notify us of and split up sorting-center batches of more than 100,000 letters in the product categories Letters, Business Letters and Direct Mail. You must still notify us of Quick Letters and Business Letters 2 Days for batches exceeding 5,000 items. Although this is voluntary, we still prefer being notified, even of small batches of letters.

New envelope design: The free text field gets a new common standard

We are standardizing the free text field for Standard Letters and Large Letters to 30 x 150 mm. The uniformity is being requested by many agencies. This will result in a slightly enlarged field on Standard Letters and a slightly decreased field on Large Letters. You can download a guide to sending “The Perfect Letter”.

Business Drop-off Points for letters

During 2025, we will reduce the number of Business Drop-off Points. This may result in changes for anyone who uses our Business Drop-off Points to submit letters. You already have the option of benefiting from our various collection solutions. For example, you can book a collection of letters via our transport booking page, or set up a fixed collection agreement with PostNord by contacting your PostNord contact person.

P.O. box in a mail terminal

We are changing the annual payment for the P.O. box segment to a monthly payment, so it conforms to other subsidiary services relating to the mail-terminal P.O. box product.


In 2025, it will be possible to use the Magazine postal product for as few as three annual mailings of your magazine.

Prices Terms and conditions