Digital letter
You send a data file, and PostNord handles and delivers the documents directly to the recipient’s e-Boks.Send digital letters to your customers, suppliers and employees directly via their e-Boks
Do you want your customers, suppliers and employees to be able to receive letters from your company directly in their e-Boks digital letterboxes? This is possible with PostNord Strålfors' e-Boks solutions.
Your benefits with Digital letter
Save time and money
The need for fewer manual processes results in more time for your business activities, and you save on paper, printing and postage costs.
With your customers using a secure and encrypted data channel.
Provides a better service
To customers, employees and suppliers, who receive all their documents directly in their e-Boks mailbox and can easily click to reach your website or follow other links.
You just send a data file to PostNord Strålfors, and the documents are sent directly to the recipient’s e-Boks.
You can quickly and easily exchange documents electronically with your company’s customers, suppliers and employees via an interface.
You thereby avoid unnecessary paperwork and administration, and can optimize your workflows and spend more time on your business activities.
There are also many benefits for the recipients. They get a better overview of their documents, and it becomes easier for them to find important documents, which are stored safely in a protected IT environment.
How it works:
It’s easy. You just send your data files to PostNord, and we take care of all the necessary processing and delivery to the e-Boks mailboxes. With PostNord’s e-Boks solutions, you don’t need to worry about security. All communication is carried out via secure and encrypted data channels and completely in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Regulation.
Contact us
If you have questions about prices, please call us at +45 46 55 00 70.
Other products and services
Payment of VAT and customs duties
When you receive shipments from abroad delivered with us, where you have to pay customs and VAT to SKAT, you will receive a letter with information about the payment. Here you can pay VAT and customs.
Customer Portal
Sign up as a service agreement customer and get access to our web-based Customer Portal. Via the portal you can keep watch on your deliveries and invoices, view statistics, compare costs and much more.
Track and Trace
Track and Trace for Post Denmark, Budstikken, HIT and Transportgruppen.
To Track and Trace