When should I apply for a job?
As soon as possible after you have seen the job advertisement, because some managers hire on an ongoing basis.
Who will hire me?
Our managers are responsible for hiring. For some positions, the hiring process is conducted in cooperation with future colleagues or HR.
What is the recruitment process, and how will I be informed as it progresses?
We will send you an email to confirm that we have received your application. If we would like to speak to you in person, we will invite you in for an interview – usually after the application deadline.
For operational positions, contact with the hiring manager is generally conducted by phone. It will also be the manager who talks about you about your potential employment.
For specialist and managerial positions, you will normally be invited in for one or two interviews with the hiring manager and, if appropriate, your future colleagues. If you progress to the second round of interviews, these will typically involve a number of tests. You will normally meet someone from HR (in addition to the manager).
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions during the process. See how to do so under “Do you have questions about a specific job?”
Do you use tests and references?
We use tests for some types of job – typically specialist and managerial positions. You will be informed of this in advance. The same applies if we want to check references.
Do you accept unsolicited applications?
We do not save unsolicited applications. We update the “Positions vacant” section of the website regularly. You can also set up a “Job agent” on our website so you can be sure of receiving a message whenever a position opens up in an area you are interested in.
Do you have questions about a specific job?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions that were not answered here.
You are always welcome to send enquiries to the contact named in the job posting.
In addition, you can use the information below to contact the respective countries.
Contact, Denmark: Email us at rekrutteringscenteret@postnord.comor call +45 52 29 18 60 concerning recruitment.
Contact, Sweden: If you have questions about specific jobs, get in touch with the contact listed in the job advertisement. Address other enquiries to karriar@postnord.com.
Contact, Norway: Email us at no@postnord.comor call our switchboard on +47 987 09300
Contact, Finland: Email us at fi@postnord.com
Contact, Strålfors: Email us at info@stralfors.se
Are you interested in a flexible part-time job while you are studying?
We have entertaining, flexible part-time jobs for students – ideal if you would like to work a couple of hours every now and again, or ramp up your hours at other times.
We often need some extra help – in the form of mail carriers, for example – at different times of the year. In the run-up to Christmas, for instance, when everyone sends more letters and parcels and, in some places, during the summer when our regular staff take their main holidays.
Would you like an internship at PostNord?
We sometimes have the opportunity to enter into agreements with students writing their theses or looking for an internship. Email us at rekrutteringscenteret@postnord.com if you are interested.